
Can you explain the All-on-4 Implant Procedure?

Also known as "Teeth in a Day," this revolutionary procedure offers patients in need of full upper or lower restorations the opportunity to have both the implant and restoration done on the same day!

Unlike a bridge, which can also replace multiple teeth, this procedure involves replacing an entire arch of teeth that are securely attached with titanium implants.

Comparison between All-on-4 and Traditional Implant Procedures

In a traditional dental implant procedure, patients typically need to make three or more visits to complete the process. The first visit involves removing the affected tooth and placing the dental implant. The second visit is for placing the attachment site for the restoration, and the final visit is when the permanent crown is attached. There can be a healing period of 2 weeks to 3 months between each visit, making the entire process last 6 to 9 months.

On the other hand, All-on-4 streamlines the process by allowing the patient to have the dental implant and restoration placed in a single visit! This efficiency is made possible by using 3D CT Scan planning software to map out the implant placement and surgery. Healing time is minimal, and patients receive their restorations immediately.

Can you explain how it works?

The All-on-4 implant procedure starts with an initial consultation with our Doctors, who will assess your oral health and medical history to determine if you are a candidate for the treatment. If approved, X-rays will be taken and a detailed surgical plan will be created using advanced 3D CT Scan Planning software.

During the surgery, the implant specialist will numb the implant sites with anesthesia before placing 4 (or more) titanium implants into your jaw. Our Doctors will then provide a temporary restoration for you to wear while your jaw heals. Once the implants have fused with the jawbone, our Doctors will give you a permanent restoration for a natural-looking smile.

Benefits Of All-On-4

This tooth replacement option is the perfect solution for patients requiring replacement of several teeth.

Here are a few advantages of this procedure:

  • Our innovative procedure allows patients to leave our office with a new smile in just one visit, with the surgery taking only 2.5 hours per arch. This means a full smile can be achieved in under 3 hours!
  • Our advanced 3D scanning system reduces the need for a bone graft in many cases, making the treatment accessible even for patients with low bone mass.
  • Implants restore natural function to the teeth and jaw, providing a reliable solution compared to dentures or bridgework. This allows patients to eat and speak confidently.
  • Implants also help maintain facial shape by preventing jawbone shrinkage, unlike other treatments that can alter appearance over time.
  • The permanence and security of prosthetic teeth provided by implants boost our patients' self-confidence, knowing they have a long-lasting solution.
  • Overall, implants are more convenient than other options, eliminating the need for messy adhesive creams or ill-fitting bridgework.

All-On-4 Implants In Phoenix, AZ

Our practice is dedicated to helping patients achieve flawless and healthy smiles by replacing full arches. Our doctors work closely with specialists to place implants and provide beautiful restorations. If you are interested in replacing damaged or missing teeth, schedule a consultation to see if you are a candidate for our "Teeth in a Day" treatment.

For patients who may not be suitable for the All-on-4 implant procedure, our doctors also offer traditional dentures. We collaborate with a top lab to create customized and natural dentures for those needing to replace multiple teeth. For more information on traditional dentures or our All-on-4 implant procedure, please visit our website or call us at (602) 863-3000.

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